Thursday, February 15, 2007


We don't think much about them when they're in our lives. And eventually they more often than not make their own direction on their charted path. I'm referring to old friends of course. It's a rare and humbling event if they stay, sharing the ins and outs of your life. So it's indeed a special occasion when one renters your life after 10 or more odd years or so.
An unexpected email from such a friend surprised me. I had actively sought my old friend out, wondering how she'd been. I was hesitant, thinking, maybe we lost touch because of something I said or did. Perhaps something not done, the sins of omission those of us in Catholic school came to understand, or at least claim to understand.
But a pleasant invitation came to "write back" and I hope a new chapter of friendship has been forged.

The snow blankets our yards yet with promise of more Sunday. I hope it doesn't snow everyone in. We have a family party on Sunday, and I'm always reluctant to miss those. I know as we age they will fewer and farther between and subsequent years will find this or that one missing from the table. My nephew turns 18 and while (in his mind at least) he has outgrown the family gatherings, us oldsters, with not quite the social life we all once had, will look forward to gathering.

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