Saturday, May 20, 2006

A New Day

Surprised by SOLUMEDROL treatment arriving in by FED EX this AM. Didn't expect treatment until the 31st. This means we can all go with JUJU to Lima. Day trips are always great and welcomed. Might do a dry run today. And on a nice sunny Saturday with lots of kids out and enjoying the day; I'm just as glad to be going. Spent some time along the river as is our usual haunt. Campsite at Hull Prairie was pretty well vacant, the walleye run now over and the river too high for the bass run that usually comes in June.
Then dinner out, a treat, with a Reuben from Arby's and Diet Mountain Dew. So thirsty and it was so refreshing.
Cleaned area this evening around the area that had been inhabited by Pidge. Time to contemplate, remember, and be grateful for her wonderful 11 years of companionship.

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