Thursday, June 03, 2010

Did I Miss Spring

As we once again haul air conditioners in, supporting them in the various windows, I'm reminded that two weeks ago we donned winter coats, convinced ourselves, hot coffee in our laps as we sat on the wooden glider, that spring would come. Judging from the rhubarb and promises of tiger lilies,  it was indeed here.
Memorial Day weekend allowed the tent to be out~ briefly. Winds and rains forced it to be taken down and hung to dry. And now husband has decided it's not worth the effort. I love to draw in the tent; my miniature window on the world sans mosquitos. Even Lily seems content enough, hunkered down on old comforters that found their way there for an overnight.
I want to hang on to the few more days of 70's, birds chirping in celebration of their fledglings. That small window of time before neighbors consume my solitude with noisier celebrations of the summer solstice; pools, splashes, cries and scoldings.
So I ask again, "Did I miss spring?"

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