Monday, December 03, 2012

Illustrator's Grass is Greener.

So I was purusing the internet as so many freelance artists and writers are wont to do. I discovered a wonderful artist whose work in children's book illustration made my heart leap.  

That's my style, I said to myself. Why aren't I more aggressive. I poked and looked. Ah, she has an agent. I must see how my work fits with that agent. Surely, if I submit, that agent won't be able to resist. On to the agent. Oh, I've submitted to a member of her family, but not her directly. Get the addy in address book, look through my queries. Quick! Not a minute to waste. How I'd love to be that illustrator! I pondered important calls coming through.
 Then I backspaced too many times, and as the internet so frequently does, it time-warped me to a page I had already visited. But not very thoroughly.
I was back on the illustrator's page. It was as though I had missed an essential piece of information. In a small corner were condolences. She had apparently suddenly and tragically passed in 2005. There would be no more contracts, calls, etc. Her lovely work would certainly be a legacy but no more works would be forthcoming.
My mood instantly changed. Oh, sure I'll continue submitting. There will be days when there's a sense of urgency, days when I'll ponder those contracts coming in, days when I feel like time is running out on me. And always a little prayer for all those involved in this business of children's publishing.